
Journal for Occupied Studies



The Journ­al for Oc­cu­pied Stud­ies is an in­de­pend­ent con­tri­bu­tion to the glob­al Oc­cupy move­ment, one which springs from the New School for So­cial Re­search in New York City but which fills its pages not only with stu­dent and fac­ulty per­spect­ives on Oc­cupy Wall Street but with con­tri­bu­tions from di­verse in­di­vidu­als out­side that uni­versity and in­deed out­side the USA. The JOS op­er­ates for the rad­ic­al­isa­tion of this struggle, at the place between past and fu­ture, the­ory and prax­is. We hope the ana­lyses and testi­mon­ies it of­fers val­or­ize, pro­long, and in­tensi­fy this fight, which did not be­gin with the ‘Amer­ic­an Fall’, and will not end with the de­cline of the call to ‘Oc­cupy!’ spe­cific­ally. The ed­it­ors of JOS in­tend the term ‘oc­cu­pied stud­ies’ to piggy­back upon the mo­ment con­jured by the word, or hash-tag, #oc­cupy, whilst sim­ul­tan­eously rais­ing the ques­tion of our con­tinu­ing situ­ation as oc­cu­pied bod­ies, yet to wrest con­trol of pub­lic space from the guard­i­ans of cap­it­al. Yes, doc­u­ment­ing the thought/ac­tion of the ‘oc­cu­pied’, it is hoped, fo­ments the oc­cu­pa­tion(s) still to come

Ed­it­or­i­al Team

Hannes Char­en
Hannes is a act­iv­ist, the­or­ist, stu­dent, and fath­er based in New York City.
Soph­ie Lewis
Soph­ie is a cy­bor­gi­an re­volu­tion­ary as­semblage from vari­ous European loc­a­tions. She cur­rently reads polit­ics and at­tempts to dream up an eco­logy without nature.
Kyle Stone
Kyle is a philo­sophy schol­ar by trade with a strong in­terest in tech­no­logy and the his­tory of eco­nom­ic thought. In his free time he works as a broker by in­vest­ing in vague fu­tures with un­cer­tain re­turns.

Cred­its and li­cen­cing

All con­tent made avail­able un­der the Cre­at­ive Com­mons CC-BY-NC-SA li­cence un­less oth­er­wise spe­cified.

Web­site design and pro­duc­tion by Carl van Ton­der.

Article CC-BY-NC-SA Main photo BlaisOne CC-BY